Berries, Berries, Berries!

We have two little berry fanatics on our hands.  We cannot keep enough berries in our house!  Luckily, we get quite a few from our CSA every week.  In addition, my parents have a raspberry patch in their backyard.  One HUNGRY little girl eats them all before we can take any home, but she enjoys them.  We planted a blackberry plant behind our house a few years ago, but the deer enjoyed it so much it was down to a stub.  We transplanted it to our garden, protected by the fence.  Last year it gave us a handful of berries, but this year it is dripping with 'em!  They will be ripe pretty soon, and we can't wait!

In the meantime, we have been picking some wild berries that grow in our neighborhood.

Wild Wineberries
We have a few patches on our property, and they are not hard to find elsewhere.  Every morning during the baby's nap Jemma and I have been going picking.

We received a new (to us) berry recently from our CSA, the red currant.  After John explained that it is a CURR-ent, not a curr-ONT like I've been saying it. Jemma and I plucked them from their stem.
Red Currants
They look like little rubies!!!  They were delish with granola and a little coconut.
We love berries and grains in general.  One of my favorite breakfasts lately is whatever leftover grain we have mixed with berries, and a touch of maple syrup.  
Barley with berries and pecans
Couscous with strawberries and honey
What's your favorite berry?  Do you grow any?

This post was shared on Fat Tuesday!

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