You Win Some, You Lose Some... Dehydrator Edition

You Win Some, You Lose Some... Dehydrator Edition

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
Guys.  I LOVE my dehydrator.  I have so much fun making snacks in it.  I sneak extra nutrition into everything by dehydrating whatever leafy greens aren't eaten quickly (think: kohlrabi leaves, parsley stems,

Cooking My Way Through Our CSA: Week 17 (Mid August)

Cooking My Way Through Our CSA: Week 17 (Mid August)

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
This box was a doozy!  There was a huuuuuuuge watermelon hiding in the bottom.  Of course, it was filled with all types of delici-osity (Is that a realword?  It is now!).  If you

Veggie Bowl: Green Bean and Sauteed Onion (with some kind of leafy green...)

Veggie Bowl: Green Bean and Sauteed Onion (with some kind of leafy green...)

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
I promised to share more of our easy veggie bowls... so here's another! Oh how I love cooked onions.  I like them fried.  I like them caramelized.  I like them sauteed.  Oh, the

Veggie Bowl: Root Veggies

Veggie Bowl: Root Veggies

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
A week or so ago I posted about my love of bowls.  No, not the dish, the meal.  Although I do like a pretty bowl to eat a tasty bowl out of. Anyway,

Cooking My Way Through Our CSA: Week 16 (Mid August)

Cooking My Way Through Our CSA: Week 16 (Mid August)

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
Well, we picked up another CSA box this week.  If you missed our past pickups, you can read about them HERE.  This week we received: Peaches – Sustainable Nectarines – Sustainable Carrots –

The Most Unflattering Carrot Mash Ever

The Most Unflattering Carrot Mash Ever

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
I decided to make pork chops the other day.  We had some carrots to use up, so I thought a carrot mash and a cabbage slaw would go well with it. Well.  It

Green Bean Carbonar-ish

Green Bean Carbonar-ish

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
I may have mentioned in the past that I am NOT a chef.  I have not trained in any way shape or form, aside from watching other home cooks and reading.  There are many

Cooking My Way Through Our CSA: Week 15 (Early August)

Cooking My Way Through Our CSA: Week 15 (Early August)

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    0
Another week, another box.  Now that summer is in full swing, I am having a ball with all of the yummy surprises.  Planning everything out like this helps ensure nothing is lost in

A Bowl By Any Other Name...

A Bowl By Any Other Name...

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    1
I was always a huge fan of salads.  One of the things my roommate in my college apartment said she missed when I moved out was the little containers of salad ingredients waiting

Leftover Burger-Bun French Toast

Leftover Burger-Bun French Toast

  Jackie @ Crest Cottage   7:30 AM    1
I HATE to waste food, especially due to spoilage.  I think it angers my organized, planner side.  You know, like I didn't plan out with enough consideration?  Anyway, after a BBQ recently, we