3 Years Later...

It has been a long time since I have shared anything here.  Life got in the way, and this just became another thing on the to-do list.  Now, three years later, I realized how much I missed it.  So many things have changed, and I'm sure I will be sharing that as time goes on.  Now, I am just happy to be back.  
So, what's next for me, and Crest Cottage Creations?  
Well, expect lots of edible creations, of course!  Some featuring a fantastic little cook-in-training...
I'll also be sharing tidbits about our lives.  Since we last spoke, we added another little one to the crew.  
Baby J
As our family grows, I'm learning as much as the kids!  I'd love to share the ups, downs, lessons, and wins while I work out the tough stuff.  After all, creations come in all shapes, sizes, and forms.  
I'm excited to be creating, sharing, and learning again.  I hope you will join me for the ride!

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