Monday, April 11, 2011

Anniversary Weekend

Happy Monday!

Yesterday marked our 1 year anniversary!  

To celebrate, we headed down to the Lancaster, PA area for a long weekend.  For the next few days, I will be posting the details.  Can't wait?  Here's a sneak peek at the highlights:

Awesome shopping
Meeting up with a blogger friend
Grabbing lots of plants for our kitchen and veggie gardens

This busy, busy weekend was a GREAT way to celebrate a busy, busy first year of marriage.  Here's to many more!


  1. Meeting up with a blogger friend...I'd say that was the best part but I'm a little biased :)

    Your weekend sounds so fun! I think Brad and I need to have a little getaway of our own sometime soon...

  2. Happy Anniversary! I am glad you got a nice weekend getaway, looking forward to hearing all about it :)
