Tuesday, April 5, 2011

100th Post!

Whew thought I would make it here?  I surely didn't!

In honor, let's do a quick re-cap:
Most popular post (by views): Lacto-Fermented Lemonade
Post with the most comments: Apple Chips and Orange Cleaner
Least popular post (by views ): Butternut Soup
My personal favorite post: Pop Tarts Part 1 and Part 2 because John had requested them for SO long
John's personal favorite post: Frittata-licious

How it's your turn... What have YOU liked best?  Where would you like to see CCC head in the next 100 posts?

This post was featured on the Hearth and Soul Bloghop!


  1. Congratulations! I have to say my favorite post was the toothpaste one. I think we both know why ;)

  2. @Laura Hahaha! Providing you with eye candy has been my pleasure :)

  3. Congratulations!!! This is my first visit, so I guess I'll have to visit again...for a long while... :) to figure out what my favorite post will be. Gotta say, though, the Pop Tarts posts are intriguing. :)

    Thanks for linking to the Hearth and Soul Hop!

  4. Jackie baby! I wanted to send out my congratulations on your 100th post! It creeps up on you doesn't it? I love everything you are doing here on Crest Cottage Creations because I know how hard you work at your career but you also find the time to manage your lovely home, provide great meals for your wonderful hubby and still blog! Wonder woman has nothing on you! Great big hugs and here's to the next 100 posts! Will share this on the new what's hoppin at the hop on the hearth and soul hop hub! Alex
