Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Black Forest Milkshake

When I made this milkshake and took pictures of it, John looked shocked and said, "You are going to post that?!" You'll see why shortly. 

First, I filled up a cup with John's home made chocolate ice cream (so good, by the way!)
Then, I added in some home made yogurt.
So far, so good, right?  Well, to make it a black forest I added in maraschino cherries and the liquid in the jar.  John was so shocked, because of the fake sugar and fake food coloring, and all that junk, but I'm not militant about it.  Sometimes, something's got to give.  With all the other goodness in this milkshake, the little bit of junk in the cherries isn't going to kill me.
Anyway, I blended it up with my immersion blender.  AND I enjoyed it.  Immensely.


  1. Haha! Today I made a big bowl of jello...sugar and food coloring overload!

    (P.S. I have a sinus infection and the jello felt so good going down!)
