Friday, January 13, 2012

Accidentally Delicious

Once a week John is in charge of making dinner.  Usually we make it on the day that I work the latest, so he has time after he gets home to cook and relax.  The other day, he had to butcher up a huuuuge chunk of beef after work for us to freeze (more on that another time) and didn't have time to make dinner.  When I got home, I threw something together, and it was more delicious than anything I could have planned.  It was so EASY too, which was the best.  

First, I sliced up a bunch of onions and started them cooking down in butter while I got out of my work clothes and into relaxing home-mode.
A little while later, I was ready to cook and they were deliciously brown.
I added on a layer of leftover roasted chicken and a layer of raw milk cheddar.
I popped it into the oven to melt down for a few minutes.
When it was done, we ate it with some pickles and marveled at how easy and yummy it was.  I'm so glad we keep roasted chicken pieces in the fridge!

This post was shared at Pennywise Platter Thursday!

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