Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Egg Rolls Part 2- Filling and Cooking

Part 2 of 2 in Egg Rolls.  For Part 1, click here!

When we last left off, we had created the wonton wrapping and rolled it out.  It was waiting somewhat patiently to be filled.

The filling was made of things I had lying around the house.  I started by slicing... 
...and dicing some celery. 
Carrots were also sliced and diced.  They were added in with more or less 2 cups of shredded up turkey.  Chicken, pork, beef, or other veggies would also work.  I just happened to have massive amounts of turkey left from a stock-making escapade. 
All of those chopped up thaaangs were combined with 2 eggs and 1 egg white.  I probably should have used the yolk instead, but I wasn't paying attention and the white slipped out. 

IMPORTANT NOTE!!  Add seasonings here.  Especially salt.  I forgot to, and while the end product was still super duper awesome, it would have been enormously less bland with seasonings.
Now comes the fun part!  Scoop out the filling, and add it to the wonton wrappers.  I like to place it toward the bottom of the wrapper. 
To wrap it, I fold in the bottom part, then the sides, then roll it all up.  Seal the edges up with the remaining egg.  I used the yolk 'cause I am silly, but the white would work better, most likely. 
They are now ready to be cooked.  I placed them in a pan with veggie oil and lightly fried them.  That gave them a great color.  I forgot to take photos, though, because they were so yummy.  

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