Monday, August 10, 2015

Green Bean Carbonar-ish

I may have mentioned in the past that I am NOT a chef.  I have not trained in any way shape or form, aside from watching other home cooks and reading.  There are many many many things I have yet to learn, but there is one upside to my lack of training.  I don't get caught up in any "rules" or feel like I need to make something in a "traditional" way to be correct.

Case in point?  Green Bean Carbonar-ish.  It's a knock-off, makeshift carbonara and it is scrumptious.

I stumbled across this recipe while searching for a way to use up the green beans from our CSA.  Without bacon, and with a surplus of random leafy greens, I had to improvise.

First, I sauteed the onions in bacon grease.  How did I get bacon grease without bacon?  Easy.  It was in the jar in the fridge!  Whenever I make bacon, I save the leftover grease and refrigerate it.  That way it is always on hand to add a little bacon-y heaven.
Once the onions were soft and brown, I added in the leafy greens.  I don't even remember what they were.  I'm thinking the greens from broccoli and cauliflower.  Probably collards, too.  
While the onions and leafy greens were cooking, I boiled the water.  The rotini went in for a few minutes, and then I blanched the green beans at the same time.  While they were cooking, I prepped the "sauce."
2 eggs, a cup of shredded Parmesan, salt and pepper all beaten together.  That's it!  For the record, I was testing to see if Juliet and I could start having dairy without her being miserable for a few days.  We can't. Anyway, once the pasta and green beans were done, I mixed them together with the greens and onions.
Immediately, I poured the sauce on top and stirred it furiously.  The goal is to lightly cook the eggs in the residual heat without scrambling them.  The result?  Pure yum!
It was perfect.  Light, yet filling.  Just writing about it makes me want to make it again!

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