Friday, April 27, 2012

Fish Cake Salad

We try to eat seafood at least once each week.  It is usually a simple baked fish.  Sometimes it is a shrimp stir-fry or clams with macaroni.  I have been wanting to try something different, so this time I was aiming for fish burgers.  But I didn't have burger buns... so.... I put it on a salad!

To make the burgers, I baked up a white, somewhat flaky fish.
When it was cooked, I broke it up and mixed it with bread crumbs, egg, celery, onions, and whatever herbs I had on hand. 
I shaped them into patties and fried them in coconut oil.
In the meantime, I boiled up some beets for the salad.  When they were cool, I sliced them up.
I stumbled upon some walnuts when I cleaned out the freezer, so I toasted them up.
The rest of the salad was arugula, cranberry-cinnamon goat cheese with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.  
When the fish cakes were crispy, I put them on the salad.  It was one of my best ideas yet!
This post was shared on Fight Back Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Your fish patties look yummy. We can fish and make patties. We enjoy them very much. When I fry mine, I dip them in a season cormeal mix (andy's is the name of it) before frying.
    I posted this recipe sometime ago, your fish would probably work just fine in this recipe:
