Friday, December 23, 2011

Fermenting Again!

It's so nice to have the energy to devote to creating.  We haven't started any fermented veggies in FOREVER, so I tackled that today. 

First on the list?  Dill Pickles.  Don't the cucumbers look so pretty in the jars?
We had fresh dill from our last CSA delivery, so I added that to the jars, along with sea salt, mustard seed, and whey.  
The other thing I got fermenting was a sauerkraut concoction.  I started out shredding a head of cabbage and 2 apples.  I read in a few different places that adding apples will give it a different taste, so I am trying it out. 
It needed more color, so I added in a ton of carrots.
I sprinkled salt on top to get the juice out of the produce.
After mixing it together and letting it sit for a little while, I smushed it all up.
Into the jars it went, with some whey and water!
Since our house is relatively chilly, it will take more than a few days for them to get going, so I'll keep you posted!

This post was shared on Real Food Wednesday with Kelly the Kitchen Kop and Simple Lives Thursday at GNOWFGLINS!


  1. I just started my first batch of sauerkraut yesterday! I can't wait to see how it turns out and am excited to experiment with variations in the future. The recipes I found did not include whey and I was wondering how you think including the whey affects the final product? Thanks so much, I'm excited to be starting with my fermentation journey!

  2. @hännah @ dishesanddishes Hi Hannah! I include the whey for a few reasons. First, I tend to have a good amount leftover and I don't want to waste it. I think it has some good nutrients in it. I have no idea if that is true, but I think it anyway. The other reason is that it jump-starts the fermentation process, something that I definitely can use in our cold cold house. Thanks for asking!!
