Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thoughts on Allergies.

Recently, I have had some thoughts on seasonal (namely, spring) allergies, and I want to share them with you.

My whole life I have suffered from allergies.  In addition to indoor and pet dander, I had a multitude of outdoor allergies.  Pollen and freshly cut grass were especially bad, and most of the spring was spent battling itchy, puffy eyes, a clogged yet runny nose, a scratchy throat, and sometimes asthma. 

This year they are just about gone.  Sure, I sneeze a little.  My nose was itchy a few times.  But basically?  They are gone!  For the first time in my life, I am smelling the roses... literally!  When I drive home from work with my windows open, I am shocked by the amazing aromas of the flowers.  I never realized it before, but my nose is always so clogged during this season that I have never had the ability to smell it before.  The other day, I was at a traffic light near a home that was having its lawn trimmed.  In the past, I would have held my breath to prevent breathing in the allergens.  This time?  I inhaled deeply and enjoyed it!

I haven't figured out why I am immune this year.  I mean, rumor has it that this year has the highest pollen levels in ages.  I do have a few theories...

1)  Our diet.  This spring marks nearly year in which we have been eating in this way.  Happy animals, raw milk, and local honey may have contributed.  Each of these foods has been attributed with healing allergies.   

2)  Our location.  We moved last summer.  This is the first spring that we lived here.  Maybe the plants are different!   I'm not sure how much this contributes, though, because I still work in the town that we were living in before.  I am still there every day with no problem.  

3)  Our cleaning products.  We really only use anti-bacterial products for really germy messes... toilets, raw meat juices, and things of that nature.  Maybe my immune system has to fight more environmental germs the way it was designed to, and it stopped wasting its time on pollen and grass?

4)  I outgrew them.  Doubtful, but possible.

Yes, I know that by posting this, I am basically ASKING for a major allergy attack.  It's like when you say "It can't get any worse!" and it does.  Well, I'm ready for it.  

What are your thoughts?  Where did my allergies go?

This post was shared on Your Green Resource and Simple Lives Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. My allergies (which consisted of a constantly running nose) has all but completely disappeared since I started a real foods diet. It's definitely your change in food. No doubt about it.
