Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pickle Success!

I haven't talked about our lacto-fermentation in a while.  We have still been working on a number of projects.  Check out the pickles!

4 little cukes in a jar:
Covered in salt, dill, mustard seed, and whey:
We covered it with filtered water and waited about a week.  
It worked!  They were definitely pickled, although I need to adjust the seasonings a bit.
This post was shared with Real Food Wednesday with Kelly the Kitchen Kop!


  1. what kind of whey do you use and where do you get it? im excited to try this out!

  2. I've got some pickles in the works myself. I'll check them in a couple of days. I can't wait!! I am trying them without whey... just the right amount of sea salt and filtered water... crossing my fingers!
